Monday, November 25, 2013

First Snow

I don’t know about you but where I live snow is important. The excitement  before a snow storm is something you can feel in the air. A kind of breathless anticipation for frosted landscape. The crisp air, fat snowflakes, and the crunch of snow under boots. The quiet peace that seems to settle over everything in the early morning. Hot chocolate, snowmen, icicles, and white trees. Sun light streaming through vanilla branches.
Summer’s sweet, and Autumn is beautiful, but for us in the Rockies this is what we’ve been waiting for.

Anyway I couldn't help but share my excitement! We're still waiting for a real snow though. We've only had a an inch or two really. 

I let you in on a little secret. Ready? Brace yourself. Up here in the Rockies we don't always have snow for Christmas. Let that sink it for a moment. We're actually more likely to have snow for Easter (it's hard to plan your Easter outfit around a snow coat by the way). Sure the ski resorts will have snow, but here at about 8,000 odd feet, us smaller mountains don't always get it.