Friday, March 14, 2014

Step it Up

Hi there! How are your New Year's resolutions working out? I know I know, but don't worry! This is not a guilt trip! Hopefully I can give you a little encouragement! Don't give up! And don't worry if you get behind, it's never too late to set goals and begin again.
 I personally don't really do New Year's Resolutions because I can never seem to keep them. Instead I break it up and do something more like Seasonal Goals. It's a lot less intimidating.  For example in the summer I have goals such as paint more, hike, be active, and visited places with my friends. In the Autumn as soon as Summer ends I pick up the pace for making things to sell at Christmas craft shows and tackle a huge To Do list of what to make and buy in preparation. In the Winter I wind down and try to learn something new. Such as last year I learned how to make mittens and this year I’m trying my hand at loom knitting. I also have year round goals such as exercise and the usual. But this year I have one goal I specifically want to focus on.

 Every year on new years I look back and try to sum up what the year was like. I go through facebook pictures and see what I've posted on DeviantArt and other websites, and I look through my sketchbooks and journals. For 2013 I was very disappointed on the lack of art and drawings I had. I found an awesome drawing I had been working on since February of last year, but never got around to finishing. So this year my goal is to draw more. That it, my New Year's resolutions can be summed up in a single word. Draw. No need to over explain or complicate it. It's as simple as that.

 Since my birthday is a few days after New Years I spent some of my extra money on a cute little sketch book and some nice drawing pens. I decided I wanted to try my hand with pens and see how it goes. At first I wasn't thrilled with what I produced.

But I loosened up and started to enjoy it. 
Keeping focus and making wise decisions are some of the most essential skills you can ever develop. Basically the most important things to keep in mind is self control and priorities. Know what’s important and work to make time for it. Whether it be family of friends, improving yourself, or anything else. Be aware of it.
 Things like Inspiration and Motivation can sometimes be fleeting or nonexistent and when it’s not there it can feel like you’ve run out of gas and can’t tackle the next hill. But Motivation and Inspiration can be topped by one thing, Determination.

“You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club.”
-Jack London.
It sucks but sometimes you have to just sit down and get down to business. My sister ( once told me that she almost hated it when people told her that she was naturally talented. She said she worked and spent hours improving her art. She said there wasn’t anything “natural” about it, everything she could do was learned and earned.

“Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you’re willing to practice, you can do.”
-Bob Ross

So if you want something you have to work for it. Every year I set goals and I would think of every little thing and make a huge list. Including everything from eating right to personality flaws. I would overwhelm myself and become depressed when I couldn't reach my impossibly high standards. Someone once told me that you don’t have to be selfish but you do need to be self interested. So break it up, know your limits and yourself. Figure out what works and scratch anything that doesn’t. Does waking up and going to bed earlier help? What time of day are you most productive? Can you focus in a mess environment? Does that extra cup of coffee really help?
Also reward yourself when you reach a goal. I don’t drink sweet things often, so if I’ve been working hard or have a big project to do I’ll buy myself a tea or a soda. I also keep a candy bar lying around for extra motivation if there’s a task I’m really dreading. Learn to recognize accomplishment and celebrate it. Be proud of yourself.

I also keep track of what I do and make a list of goals for the day (I love lists). As well as weekly goals.

 Okay I’m going to let you in on a secret. It’s a silly and effective way to keep track of your progress. It has helped me out so much! It helps show you your goals and track accomplishments. I’m not going to tell you much more than that. Check it out for yourself. I haven’t regretted it. (Just remember to start small.)

Alright guys I have collected some links that I hope will encourage you. Please check them out.  (<---- This one inspired me so much and is probably the reason for all this, click it!)

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
- Arthur Ashe

“Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s a balancing act.”
-Dr. Seuss.